Nerd Nite June 11: Presenting on Presenting and Anarchists in Spain

World War II club
50 Conz Street, Northampton MA
Monday, June 11, 7:00pm, $5.00 admission

‘Bullets are Bad for the Brain: Designing Effective Presentatpresentation vinteions’

Presentation design software wants you to be boring. This presentation about presentations gives the audience a few simple rules that will ensure that the next time they need to present on a topic, no one will die of ennui.

Fred Zinn is Associate Director of the Innovate@ Team at the
University of Massachusetts Amherst. His areas of interest and expertise include: visual communication of complex ideas, teaching people to draw and design their own instructional images, designing useful user interfaces, and advocating for effective (bullet-free) presentations.


‘Anarchists in the Spanish Civil War’

Cooper will give a brief description of anarchism, discuss famous “anarchists” (some non-anarchists included), and provide a short history of anarchism in Spain.

Cooper Wood became interested in the Spanish Civil War in high school after reading “For Whom the Bell Tolls”. He’s currently writing his novel, and recently moved to northern MA from New London.

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